Adopt-A-Family 2022

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Each year the Knox County Homeless Coalition holds its Adopt-A-Family program, giving community members like you an opportunity to purchase holiday gifts for the courageous families we serve in the Midcoast region. We invite you to participate in our 7th annual Adopt-A-Family program this year. Our client care team is helping more people than ever before—currently reaching about 1,000 individuals, half of whom are children. We hope you’ll join us as we bring hope, joy, love, and peace to families who need it most this holiday season!
. . . adopt a family for the holiday . . .
There are three ways you can bring joy:

1) If you are interested in adopting a family, please order from the online wishlist here: AMAZON WISHLIST and have the items shipped directly to KCHC where our “elves” will wrap and deliver the gifts.

2) If you would like to help with locally-sourced gifts, or just have our elves do the shopping, we gladly accept donations. Our team of elves will purchase gift certificates for special local experiences or items, such as a family night at the movies, dinner at a local restaurant, haircuts etc. To make a monetary donation, please go to DONATE and choose “Adopt-A-Family” from the drop down menu.

3) Sign up to volunteer to be a wrapper. EMAIL THE ELF today to get on the schedule.

Who do you support through this program? 
The Adopt-A-Family Program at KCHC is open to ALL active clients. About half of our clients at any given time are actively experiencing homelessness. The other half have recently found housing and are working with us through our post-housing support programming to make sure that housing is sustainable. Household sizes range from 1 to 6 or more.

What kinds of things are on the lists?
Items range from basic needs like coats and school/work clothes to toys for kids or sometimes a favorite brand of body product that might be a luxury but doesn’t make the budget. So that we may support as many people as possible, we ask families to keep wishlists to between $75-$100 per person.

Can I purchase just one or two items?
YES! When purchasing online, you can purchase one item or many for one or multiple families. Simply look through the list and purchase the items that speak to you!

I’m not around this winter, can I participate?
YES! Since you don’t need to wrap and deliver the items to our Rockport location, you can participate from anywhere in the world this year!

Can I make a donation rather than having to shop?
YES! If you make a donation through and choose "Adopt-A-Family" from the drop down menu, our elves will take care of the rest!

A few volunteers wrapping gifts!

Are you supporting any local merchants?
YES! There are always items that can’t be purchased online. For items such as haircuts, the experience of dinner at a local restaurant, firewood, a gift card to a local merchant etc. – we will source those locally. We ask that if you are interested in donating to help cover those kinds of requests that you donate through by choosing “Adopt-A-Family” from the drop down menu to indicate you would like your donation to go toward this holiday project.

Can I share the wishlist with friends and family?
YES! Please do! Just copy the link ( and share via email, social media, or even host a virtual gifting party where you invite friends to get together on video chat and all buy items together!

Volunteers from KeyBank join staff and the Chief Executive Elf to get the wishlists online and in order!
About Knox County Homeless Coalition
KCHC was formed in 2014 as a grassroots, community initiative to reimagine the delivery of homeless services. In just under eight years, they have evolved to employ a multi-pronged, intergeneration approach that provides compassionate support for highly resilient and often marginalized individuals and families through custom tailored strength-based and trauma-informed programs. We innovate and address root causes of homelessness through community collaboration and tackling affordable housing. The comprehensive approach KCHC takes meets urgent needs while simultaneously focuses on prevention and systemic change.  
Since taking in their first client KCHC has helped more than 2000 people, finding permanent housing for about half of those individuals so far. Through combined services at KCHC and The Landing Place (the comprehensive youth program of KCHC) nearly half of all those served are children and youth.

Morgan Starr